Thursday, September 6, 2012

You are in need of a bit of sanctuary when…

If you have one or more of the following symptoms it is time to pay us a visit!

My eyebrows resemble fuzzy caterpillars
I want to feel inspired and learn trends without accumulating more in my closet through clothes, accessories, or magazines
My hair is one color on the top of my head, and a different, unintended color on the ends 
 I don’t get enough time for myself
The color of my hair is flat, dull, or lacks dimension
My eyebrows are blonde but my hair is dark
My makeup evens my skin tone, but looks chalky or heavy
My skin looks or feels dry and cracked
My nails are discolored, uneven, or unshapely
I can't see through my bangs, they poke me in the eyes
My hair is manageable length, but my neck is hairy, my sideburns are uneven, and the hair around my ear is too short to tuck and long enough to bug me
My hair is too high maintenance for me
I feel sad or cranky when nobody works with my hair for at least 45 minutes while letting me relax, with tea, coffee or water
My hair feels like a big mop, and I feel like a cranky lioness
I have bluish veins and gold or brassy hair
I have greenish veins and pale or ashy hair
My hair color is harsh and uneven
I see more than four colors in my hair, in different sections of my head
My hair lacks luster and shine more than three times a week
My hair looks stringy  


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